You know that feeling when you’ve waited so long to do something that you lose your mojo to do anything at all?
Well, yesterday I received a letter from Al Gore. He wrote to thank me (along with the 3000 others he trained to give his climate change slide show presentations) for the work we've done educating people about climate change. He also implored us to continue our work in reaching people during this critical time " preserve the healthy climate balance on which our civilization depends".

Nothing like a personal (well, personally signed at least!) letter from the honorable ex-vice president to get one's environmental mojo back in gear!! I had been struggling for months, with fits and starts, to get active on this blog again. With more than a handful of half finished entries sitting on my computer (all filled with extremely insightful ideas and useful tidbits for my expansive fan base :), I have been stuck in a state of limbo... unable to commit to any subject matter... or much of anything for that matter!
No shock here, but it's been a bit of a metaphor for my life. During the past four months of unemployment (aka: sabbatical, as I like to call it) I have truly enjoyed the rest, rejuvenation, self reflection and personal freedom that I had been craving. This time off was truly "a good thing" (thanks Martha) in my life.
But, like any good thing, moderation is key. And my lack of structure, although well earned and whole heartedly embraced, has peaked in its usefulness in my life. Too many half written blog entries, half finished business ideas and half cleaned out closets line my path, and now focus is required to move forward.
So spring finds this Green Bee "honing" in ("honey" in Dutch, btw!) on the pollen to fertilize what is next in my life.
And what is that, you ask?
On the professional front, starting next week my passion for health and healing (both people and the planet) will be quenched by going back to school to study massage and bodywork! I am excited to get some structure into my life, to be back in a learning environment, to connect with other like-minded folks, and to add another healing modality to my quiver of health resources.

And on the green front, in addition to a recommitment to this blog, I will be doing a climate change presentation at Framingham State College on Earth Day! My first such presentation in almost a year, my goal is to make this a useful and inspiring message to the generation who holds the sustainability and viability of life on this planet in their hands. I will post the time and location of this event shortly in case you are local and interested in attending.
So, stay tuned! I am back! Check in for updated musings, green and otherwise, of this Green Bee’s journey to a fulfilling, sustainable and wellness centered life.
Thanks for all you do.