Are you a tree hugger? An armchair environmentalist? You want to save the oceans? The rainforests? The polar bears? Or maybe you’re a locavore, a vegan, or a raw foodie. Or you drive a hybrid, ride your bike, or take public transportation. Or maybe you're sick of coal mine disasters.... and Deepwater Horizon disasters. Perhaps your house sports a solar panel or you like the look of wind turbines, and you wish we were building them here instead of buying them from China and Denmark. You may even think a strong green business sector is what we need to really boost our economy. Or maybe you want cleaner air for your kids to breathe… or maybe you're concerned about the impacts of climate change.
It doesn’t really matter what your angle, or your passion. The reality is that it’s time for all of us to come together, behind one action, and let the world know there’s a large number of us who want to make this world a cleaner and more sustainable planet for future generations. There are enough of us, I am sure, despite our different paths, to reach a tipping point in consciousness.
But what will it take for all those who care about the earth’s wellness in all their different ways, to come together under one banner and pull in same direction? And what will it take for YOU to join in?

If you do not yet know about the worldwide call to actions sponsored by 350.org, on 10-10-10 (Sunday, October 10th) I urge you to go to their website and check out the details of the mission, and the upcoming Call to Action.
But the bottom line is this: Around the world on 10/10/10, thousands of events will be taking place where people will be taking personal action to reduce humanity’s carbon footprint. Everything from tree plantings and home winterization projects, to green fairs and bike repair workshops. It’s a local community initiative to let our leaders know that we are mad as hell at their inaction, and we aren’t going to take it any more. We are going to start making changes in our homes, and our communities, and let them know we expect they will follow our lead and take the moral and responsible action necessary to move us toward a clean and green energy future.
Put in your zip code and see what is going on in your area. Join an event… anything. Just show up. If it’s something you can get behind.. great. If it’s something you’re unfamiliar with, learn something new.
And, if there’s nothing happening in your area, start something. 350.org’s website has lots of ideas. Even if only a handful of folks show up, you will have started a local group to move ahead with community support and actions on this very important issue.
And while you’re at 350.org’s site checking out a local event or logging your own, be sure to look at all the photos from last year’s event. Young and old from every corner of the earth participated. It’s a beautiful international and multicultural quilt of humanity, all striving for the vision of more sustainable future. Isn't that something we can all get behind?
Add your voice, your action, your face to this effort. And tell everyone you know about it. Every one of us counts. Every action has its impact.
Your grandchildren are going to ask you about this... On 10-10-10, don’t let the day slip away without answering the call.
thanks for all you do..
Green Bee