Subtitle: Part II of the Fire Pit Story
First, let it be known to all that I sometimes have a hard time making decisions. (those who know me well might mock my "sometimes" qualifier)
Second, let it be said there is a very happy ending ... in my yard sits a lovely fire pit awaiting this evening's gathering (weather permitting). But this fairy tale ending was not without its green judgmental dragons to be slain.
As per my last post, my search for a gently used fire pit included pinging a few folks on Craig's list, an email to my town list, and joining Freecycle!
It took about 12 hours for my Freecycle membership to become active, and when it did I posted a "WANTED" email. I got one response from someone suggesting I use cement bricks and build something fireproof. Ya right..."Thanks for your suggestion" was my reply.
From my town list I received one offer for a loaner (which I shared in my last post), one suggesting that I check with the fire department to see if they're legal ("thank you for your suggestion"), and another letting me know Walgreen's had them for 50% off.. around $14. ("Thanks for the info!"). A fourth neighborly email said she thought she had what I was looking for, and she'd send a photo if I'd like. ("Yes, I'd like! And how much are you asking??")
Before I heard back from my local option, a phone call came in from my most desired Craig's list option. I really liked the design of this one and had already imagined me and my friends gathered around it... 'Yes, it is still available, and you can come by tonight or tomorrow" $50 - non negotiable, and a 45 minute drive.. without traffic. "Great, I'll call you back with when I'll come by, just working out my schedule"
Only 20 minutes later, an email with a picture of a barely used, clean and simple fire pit popped into my email box. "Is $25 too much?" and only 5 minutes away.
So, do you see where I'm going with this story??
Do I make the "greener" choice.. save gas, money, time and buy locally OR buy the one I have coveted from the moment I saw it? And if I choose the less green choice, what do I tell the bloggisphere? Should I make a decision based on what THEY might think of me? How much does what it looks like really matter? What if I travel all that way and I don't really like it? Will one of them be upset if I buy from the other? Should I try to see the local one first? You can see, my mind is not a pretty place sometimes.
But herein lies a true dilemma if one chooses to really think about it: How much influence should the "green-ness" of our options affect our purchase decisions?
Ok, sometimes it's obvious: Do I buy the Hummer or the Hybrid? Buy compact florescent or incandescent? Wash in hot or cold water? Turn off my computer for the night or leave it running? (Please, turn it off ;)
But other times, not so much: Locally grown or Organic? Take the train or the bus? Spend $150 on a pair of Organic cotton jeans or $30 on sale at the Gap? Travel 10x the distance to get what I want, or pick up what's right around the corner?
I guess it's a matter of scale and differential that takes me from the no brainer decisions to the mental gymnastics I went through for this. It's exhausting to weigh every decision from this perspective, but the more I involved I get in the green movement (and the more this blog holds me accountable) the more clear it is that every choice, even the smallest ones, are an expression of my values.

And yes, making the greenest choice possible is one of my values... and pretty high on the list at that.
But this time, aesthetics won out.
And by the way, if you or anyone you know is looking for a barely used, well cared for fire pit for $25, I know where there's still one for sale.
Happy Friday!