Friday, March 30, 2012

Okay... so it has been a year and a half since I have written anything here, but believe me, it has not been because my passion for all things green has waned. Indeed, my concern about the health of our earth has only increased. But I have been busy starting a new business as a massage therapist to support myself, while I continue to do all that I can in my local community to walk the talk and educate others about living a more sustainable lifestyle.

To that end, I have invested much of my personal green energy into producing the Framingham Earth Day Festival, an annual community event to educate and excite folks about making greener and cleaner choices. Along with around 20 other passionate and generous volunteers, and partnership with Framingham Sierra Club and many other sponsors, (Framingham DPW, Staples, Refoamit, GreenUp Day and Levine Design) we had our first event last year.

This year, Framingham Earth Day Festival 2012 will be even better. More vendors, new great live music, fun kids' activities, composting, recycling (of bikes, fluorescent light bulbs, rechargeable batteries, eyeglasses and styrofoam!), an interactive "prayers for the earth" display, a magician, a walking labyrinth and more! Indeed, this event has started to take on a life of its own as the greater community has become more involved and invested in its success.

The event is on April 28th, and between now and then, I hope to maintain updates on these pages; Not only to bring awareness to this great event, but to also regain my habit of maintaining a green connection with the handful of you who once decided to follow me!

So, if you're in the Framingham, Mass area on April 28th, the event is from 11am to 3pm on the Framingham Centre Common. If it rains, you will still be able to enjoy the event at Framingham High School! So please, LIKE us on Facebook, put it on your calendars, tell your friends, and bring the whole family!

And between now and then, I hope to buzz again into your life with some tidbits of greenformation that you think is worth your while...

Until then,

Happy Spring from the Green Bee

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